• How to start cooperation with you?

      After contacting our company, our specialist contacts you to work out the menu of the event. After that, you pay for the order and we start working on the preparation of your holiday!

    • How can I pay for catering?

      Здійснити оплату можливо наступними способами:
      1. In cash
      2. Cashless payment
      3. Payment by bank card

    • What is your work schedule?

      Working hours of our company: 9:00 - 22:00

    • What is mono-catering?

      Simply put, it's the same catering service with one difference: mono-catering provides only one category of products. All menus are based on a pre-thought-out theme that perfectly matches the concept of your event.

    • Do you offer special offers?

      Yes, LeOla Catering nutrition experts will select an individual nutrition program for you, taking into account all your features and needs!

    • Do you offer gluten-free products?

      For example, we use fresh fruits and vegetables, potatoes, milk and dairy products such as cheese, meat, poultry, fish and eggs, which are naturally gluten-free.

    LeOla Catering

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